The first Reiki Arm Checklist for Beginners is the “Tailbone”. The Tendon, also called the Cuneiform, is one of the largest tendons in the body. It runs from the base of the skull to the ear and is covered by cartilage and skin. This tendon is used when Reiki Energy is directed down into the brain or heart.
The second Reiki Arm Checklist for Beginners is the Erector. It is the muscle that is responsible for lifting the arm and throwing it upward. It is one of the more difficult muscle groups to manage, so it is important that you learn the best way to perform this task. You can do this by watching someone doing the exercises. Then, practice the exercise as many times as necessary until it becomes natural and does not have to be consciously executed.
The third Reiki Muscle is the Wrist. The Wrist is the largest of the four major muscles of the hand. Its primary purpose is to support and balance the fingers and hands. This muscle is responsible for most of your daily movements; swinging and squeezing of objects, reaching, writing, etc. There are some muscles in the body that are similar in function, such as the shoulder and lower back. However, the Wrist is the strongest and most flexible.
The fourth and final Reiki Muscle listed in the IREM ARM Checklist for Beginners is the Palm. This is the largest and most flexible of all the muscles in the body and is responsible for the smooth operation of all of our senses.
When learning how to manipulate each of the Reiki Muscles, practice makes perfect, so the IREM ARM Checklist for Beginners has listed the different movements of each Muscle on different days. The most important is the Erector (Day 1) because it is responsible for lifting the arm and throwing it up, and out of harm’s way.
The Palm requires a bit more thought, so I suggest that you learn to execute the movement of the palm movement as slowly as possible. The hand, palm up, is used to bring in Reiki Energy into the brain or heart. Day 2 involves practicing the Erector by holding the hand in front of your chest. your heart.
It is important to practice Reiki until you have mastered every movement of these five muscles before moving onto other classes. After mastering these five, the next thing to do is to move onto other classes like the Kneeling and Sitting Reiki positions. The IREM ARM Checklist for Beginners can be downloaded online to ensure that you have all of the information needed to master these skills quickly.
If you are ready to learn how to manipulate each of the Reiki Muscles, then I recommend that you continue your studies with the IREM ARM Checklist for Beginners. This is the best course to begin your training.
The IREM ARM Checklist for Beginners is an easy to use and printable booklet that offers detailed instructions about all of the various parts of Reiki and helps you master the art of the healing energy, in just hours. This booklet also contains the essential information you need to pass your certification exam for Reiki Master Therapist from the American Reiki Certification Board.
If you decide to become a master teacher training class, I suggest you download the booklet today. and begin your studies immediately. With this training program you will know all of the essential skills needed to teach Reiki to clients.
Once you complete the IREM ARM Checklist for Beginners you will have everything you need to learn Reiki techniques and be ready to take your Reiki skills to the next level. I recommend that you study this course to become a Reiki Master teacher. It is a highly recommended course for anyone who has already begun their healing journey. I highly recommend that you consider taking a free online course to become a Reiki Master teacher if you desire to become a Reiki teacher.