CPM (commercial property management) certification is a very important tool in gaining real world experience that can help secure your future. If you are a commercial property manager, certified property management (CPM) is the only professional designation that is legally required by many states.
Becoming a property or business owner is no easy task. To succeed, the property management training that you receive must include practical experience in the field of management of multiple businesses. It is vitally important to master the business concepts and management skills. You must be able to demonstrate your business acumen and ability by providing excellent customer service, keeping track of accounts and finances, scheduling and completing projects, handling legal issues and concerns, and handling employees and clients.
The property managers who have become nationally known for their excellent management skills have been doing so for years. They have built their reputation by being highly skilled and knowledgeable. They are well-trained and have demonstrated they are dependable and effective. They have demonstrated their abilities on the job and in the community.
CPM (property managers) have made a name for themselves by demonstrating an ability to handle a variety of issues. Some of the duties performed by property managers include managing business finance, property tax issues, and managing and organizing client relationships. This includes but is not limited to, providing general management training, planning and organizing sales meetings, managing budget and asset management, scheduling staff meetings, interviewing and hiring new business partners, and developing and implementing an effective marketing plan for property sales and revenues.
Certified property managers are trained in the principles of property management and economics. They are familiar with real estate and the laws that govern the real estate industry. They are familiar with financial management and financial issues such as real estate loans, real estate taxes, business loans, and mortgages, loan payments, bank loans to new property developers, tax liens, and foreclosures, and other aspects of a successful commercial real estate business.
The CPM program that is accredited by the National Association of Creditors (NACC) contains a comprehensive test covering all of the topics listed above. The exam covers a wide variety of real estate related subjects, including: management of payroll and personnel; business operations; finance; property tax; business plans; business transactions; real estate accounting; and other real estate issues.
CPM certification is one of the most recognized, reliable, and respected titles available for those seeking a position as a qualified commercial property managers in the United States. This credential is highly sought after by prospective employers, because it is an indicator of a strong commitment to business management skills and the understanding of the laws, principles, and concepts that govern the property industry.
Those who seek a place on this test should carefully review the requirements for passing this test. Those who successfully complete the CPM test have earned the title of Certified Property Manager.
Because there is no national accreditation or government recognition of the CPM title, only those who hold it by a specific standard are considered certified property managers. Those who hold the title can apply for the title in a manner that is approved by NACC.
Many companies that offer CPM certification will offer their services to their clients at a reduced fee in order to give them the option to focus on CPM certification. testing at a discounted rate.
The Certified Property Managers Association (CPMA), a nonprofit, membership organization, provides free CPM training and free CPM exam preparation. study guides that help you prepare for the certified property manager test.