Do my Certification

Real Estate CCIM Courses

To become a licensed real estate agent, prospective applicants must complete four CCIM courses: real estate law, ethics, negotiation, and the business management course. Candidates must also pass the Real Estate Licensing Examination (RELEX), a written test covering the four core areas of real estate law. These courses can be taken in one year at

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The Commercial Property Manager Job Description

A commercial property manager is responsible for taking care of the day to day operations of an office or commercial property, such as securing and maintaining necessary environmental resources, enforcing leases; selling and marketing properties; keeping tenants happy; providing financial support to staff; maintaining property and facilities; and keeping buildings and grounds in tip top

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Property Management Certification – Learn About the Business Opportunity

If you are planning to buy a commercial or residential property in California, then you must consider getting yourself the required training for the property management certification. If you do not have enough knowledge on how to manage a property well, then there are chances of you losing money. There are many companies that are

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What to Expect From a Commercial Real Estate Certification Institute

The Commercial Real Estate Certification institute (CREI) has just released the CMPC certification for individuals that wish to get into the commercial real estate business. This particular certification is specifically for those that have less than five years in the industry or those that are just starting out. Anyone who has been in this type

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